Historical Background
Bbira Vocational Training Institute was founded and is affiliated to Church of Uganda – Directorate of Household and Community Transformation (formerly Planning, Development and Rehabilitation Department – PDR). It is a specialized and inclusive institution training youths in Vocational and Technical skills, to enable them set up and manage their own employment, or generate activities through acquired skills for sustainable livelihood and socioeconomic development.
Established in October 1992, the institute had most of its financial assistance from DANIDA, through DANCHURCHAID. However, this assistance came to an end in 2003. So between 2004 up to date, the school has been running on its locally generated funds, in partnership with local and International development organizations especially Bread for The World (BftW) which this the biggest funding partners since 2007 under Ecumenical Scholarship Program (ESP) Supporting the Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVCs) from the Northern Part of Uganda that is Kitgum Dioceses, Lango Dioceses, West lango Dioceses, Northern Uganda Dioceses and 10% from other Dioceses where equipped with skills and knowledge in order become self-reliant and start up their own enterprises
Learn As You Earn
Empowering all categories of people through provision of Quality Vocational and Life skills.
Provision of responsible and self-reliant entrepreneurs.
Core values
- Fear and love of God
- Integrity and accountability
- Teamwork and creativity
- Self-drive and motivation
- Love and respect for humanity