Bbira Vocational Training College



Principal’s Message

Bbira Vocational Training Institute was founded in 1992, it is an affiliate of Church of Uganda under the Directorate of Household and Community Transformation (DHCT) formerly (Development and Rehabilitation Department -PDR), it is a specialized and inclusive institution training youths in Vocational and Technical skills to enable them set up and manage their own employment, or generate activities through acquired skills for sustainable livelihood and socio-economic development.

Development Objectives

  • To develop the human resource capacity of the youth with special emphasis on those who are marginalised and vulnerable due to being orphaned or in poverty because of their background.
  • To empower trainees with requisite knowledge, vocational skills, self-employment skills, capacity building and attitudes which enable them to transform their lives and communities positively.
  • To empower young people to be responsible and self-reliant.


Over the years, BVTI has trained and graduated students to meet labour force needs for the various sectors and has in the process engaged a positive mark on society, locally, nationally and regionally. It is not surprising therefore, to find well placed and respectable alumni of BVTI at all levels of the social stature.

We emphasize Competence Based Training and our trainees in Mechanical, Electrical, Building, Plumbing, Tailoring, Hairdressing, Business management, Secretarial and office management, Tourism and Hotel are captured in the various job markets due to their competency, discipline, and professional work ethics.

Determined and ready to keep alive the virtue, values and objectives upon which this Institute was founded, we are sure that the future is ours.

I want extend my sincere thanks to Church of Uganda for starting this great Institute and the technical, spiritual guidance they are rendering to us, I also thank our main funding partner Bread for the World (BftW) for support in funding Orphans and Vulnerable Children since 2007under Ecumenical Scholarship Program (ESP) Skills training Program (STP), funding water projects to the Institute, The Dioceses that Continitute the Church of Uganda especially Kitgum diocese, Northern Uganda Dioceses, Lango Diocese and West lango Diocese, Namirembe Dioceses, Nebbi Diocese Mityana Diocese and Kinkizi Dioceses for their tireless support in sending us OVC students

We thank Parents, Guardians, Sponsors who have been moving with us since the Institute inception and trusting us with your Children

Thank you so much

Yours in service

Nankanja Juliet Ngabirano (Mrs)

Principal –Bbira Vocational Training Institute


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